Had a blast last night shooting the band Kansas in concert. The MKIII was flawless! The images shown are all straight shots at ISO 3200. Shot in RAW and converted in CS3 and thats it!
I also shot the meet and greet before the show. The band seemed like nice guys. The drummer had a thing about shaking hands which at first I thought was kind of rude but after some thought I realized was quite sensible. He makes a living with those hands and some he-man decides to shake real hard and he can't perform like he should. Just my observations....
This week we are shooting Team and individual football and soccer with some seniors sprinkled in. WVU Vs E. Carolina on Saturday and then off to Huntington for the Professional Photographers of WV fall convention. I'm going to be one of the speakers and its a little scary.
I'm used to speaking in front of customers but not in front of other professional photographers. Hopefully they won't fall asleep or throw things.....
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